Friday, October 24, 2014

Temperature Change and Tire Inflation

Autumn is a time of change. More specifically, autumn temperatures rise and fall pretty rapidly. As we go from summer to winter, fall temperatures undergo some pretty severe drops. There are many things to watch out for when temperatures change. Today we are going to talk about how temperatures affect tire inflation.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tips to Combat Overheating While Driving

A car overheating is always a scary sight, especially while on a road trip. Most cars do not overheat very often so when they do overheat, they can cause quite the shock to the system. If you notice your temperature gauge rising while you are driving, it is best to know all the tips and tricks to help get the temperature gauge out of the red and back to normal. Here are some tips and tricks to do just that: combat overheating.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall Car Care: Clean Your Battery

Summer weather likes to wreak havoc on all the parts under your hood. One part that often gets neglected, but takes just as much summer punishment, is your battery. Hot weather is tougher on your battery than cold weather. That is why when summer ends and Fall starts, it is imperative to clean your battery.